Vanessa Suchar Marcus is a contemporary art and collectible design dealer dedicated to expanding consciousness through art presentation and education. Vanessa discovers talented young and emerging artists from around the world, and curates contemporary art and functional sculptural collections that compel sophisticated collectors, while providing accessibility for non-collectors. Her goal is to inspire all through beauty and aesthetic.
Vanessa currently represents a stable of global artists while continually discovering new talent of varying backgrounds and styles. Originally from Paris and currently based in San Francisco, Vanessa’s current interest is facilitating exchange among European and US artists and buyers, encouraging conversation. She is inspired when she evokes emotions through art, and is known for her intuitive approach, even when communicating online. She leverages her keen eye to bring life to art, and personal touch to bring art into people’s lives.
For Vanessa, love of art has always been in her blood. In 1998, Vanessa trail blazed the Galerie sans Galerie movement though her global business, Le Salon for Art Collectors. Vanessa curated shows in private homes around the world, a concept that broke through many barriers in contemporary art, especially the need to present art in the white box gallery. She knew that many people, although interested, shied away from contemporary art because they found innovative works sometimes difficult to interpret, galleries intimidating, and the potential cost of pieces unaffordable. Vanessa overcame these challenges by presenting multi-medium emerging art in apartments and cozy spaces where, in a social atmosphere, both professional and casual collectors could meet the artists, learn details, and imagine how a piece might feel in their own home. Prices were clearly marked, and the atmosphere without the pressures of a gallery. The success of this approach won awards and accolades and has been copied by many art dealers ever since. Some artists who have grown from local to international notoriety gained their start with Vanessa’s market disrupting approach.
Vanessa is married and lives in Silicon Valley. When she is not tending to art, she is spending time with her three young sons, who she believes are both her greatest masterpieces (and works in progress).