"Time and silence"
I did explore sacred places for 15 years with my camera to capture the mysteries and beauties of these special areas. I have always been fascinated by ancient cultures and rituals.
This photo and video art project shows very special beings and sacred places encountered all over the worl (india, nepal, tibet, cambodia, kenya, chili, ethiopia etc). There i did explore the hidden places known by local people where they meet and pray for the gods or the virtues attached to them.
In each places i did film videos inspired by local legends. In ethiopia -lalibela- orthodox pelgrimage place- the legend is related to "the annunciation" of mary, and the film « the gold child » was shot in the chapel of st georges. In chili -easter island- people have built mohai statues to get the protection of the gods. The video « Mata » is related to the well known legend of the « bird man ». In laddhak the vidéo is about a young girl building her own temple with small stones.
On the side of these experimental films, i did make interviews of remarquable people met on the path. The interviews are about their spiritual awakening and their experience of life. Bob Thurman is speaking of his comprehension of what is nirvana, Palden Gyantso is sharing his life experience of resilience and David Hykes is showing his practice of harmonic sounds.
This art project aims to present an inner journey among the sacred places and people that seek the truth of wisdom and life.
March 2014 :
Solo exhibition “journeys to the centers of the world”
Curator of the exhbition Mrs Laura Sérani et Mr Camp of central Dupon
Art center “Hotel de Sauroy“ Paris 75003
Art Installation (photography and video)
April 2015:
Collective exhibition “The path to art”
Curator Vanessa Suchar
La mancha Paris 75008
September 2014:
Solo exhibition “Polaroids”
Gallery 206 Berlin Germany
November 2009:
Solo exhibition “time and silence”
Library of Clamar (historical monument)
March–April 2008
Solo Exhibition “Time and Silence”, Camera Work Gallery, Berlin
Camera Work Gallery, Berlin
Photo London
Paris Photo
Represented by Camera Work Gallery (Berlin, Hamburg, International)
May 2007
Solo Exhibition “Urban Zen Temple” – Art Installation (Photo/Video), Stephan Weiss Studio (Donna Karan), New York City
November 2006–January 2007
Exhibition “Indianscope” – Art Installation (Photo/Video), Maison de la Photographie, Lille (Lille3000 Festival)
September 2006
Solo Exhibition – Stephan Weiss Studio (Donna Karan), New York City
May–June 2006
Solo Exhibition “The Exil Path” – Extract from “Time and Silence”, Tiare Exhibition Space, Paris
January 2006
Solo Exhibition “Time and Silence”, Contemporary Art Gallery Rabouan-Moussion, Paris
May–June 2003
Solo Exhibition “The Exile Path” – Extract from “Time and Silence”, Lugano
January 2003
Los Angeles Photo Fair
Solo Exhibition, On the Path Gallery, Santa Monica – Los Angeles
November 2002–January 2003
Exhibition “Regards Rebelles”, IRIS Gallery, Paris (Month of the Photography, Paris 2002)
Solo Exhibition “Freedom with no Wings”, European Parliament, Brussels (First World Wide Congress against Death Penalty)
May 2000
Exhibition “The Bosniac World”, EDF Exhibition Space, Paris
Design and realization of a personnal photographic project on freedom issues
Research for partners and sponsors
Publication “Time and silence” -Teneues Editions photography fine art- Germany
Professional Path
Artistic director on a feature film about Mr Giori’s life 2015/2016
Writing the book of memories “letters of Mr Giori to his children”
Giori films production - Luxembourg
Conception and realization of an artistic and photographic project about “the inner experience of colors” -
Filming project “The dark” documentary fiction for theatre on the last pelgrinage of Joan Halifax around the mount Kailash in Tibet.
Realization of the exhibition “urban zen temple” New York city – multi media installation
Photographic and Video Work “Babel – The Boundaries of Knowledge” Egypt, easter island, chili
1999–2006 Photographic Project “Time and Silence”
Shooting in India (Women Jail, Jaipur), Tibet/Nepal/India (The Tibetan culture and the exile Path), Afghanistan (The Hazara from Bamyan), Cambodia (Memory of Angkor), Kenya (Vanishing Tribes of Samburu), Sri Lanka (Slavery and Tea Plantations), Ethiopia (The Keepers of the Temples of Lalibela), Egypt (Tuaregs’ rememberings)
Sponsors: Fuji Co.; Leica; Dupont Lab; Kodak (Sponsor for Young Talents); Bianimale Foundation, New York City
Partners: Penal Reform International (PRI); Amnesty International; AINA, Paris/Kabul; Enfants Réfugiés du Monde Organization Paris/Kigali; Tibetan Foundation (Switzerland –Spain – USA); Accor Group; Air France…