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 In her artworks, the subject lays down the materials. The questions she is raising are leading me to use a large range of materials, from photography to drawing, video to sculpture, or installations. Her main concerns are the addictions, the ritual of everyday life, linked to the notion of imprisonment. 

     The basis of her researches became apparent in her fist installation, La Maison malade (1999), which take the shape of a closed space, saturated with medicine wrappings. This unreal pharmacy is left to chaos, brimming with wrappings, accumulated and piled up from the floor to the ceiling. The undecided viewer has to make his way in the installation by tramping those wrappings. A closed and claustrophobia room is the reflection of the Occidental society, due to overproduction, satisfied till suffocates with drugs and other descriptions for treatment. Against the diseases whose we don’t really know if they are the result of a real unrest, created by a hypochondriac delirium, or came from the over-consumption of chemical substance.

     Her work makes itself conspicuous by the explorations of the notions of insanity or loneliness. Their omniscience in her work proceeds to her personal and familial history. But this phenomenon is dependent on a collective and social history. Have you ever heard of “social group” (“corps social”)?

     The medicine turns out to be the mirror of the societies’ trouble. Each of us can establish a dialogue, enriched by his own experiences of illness and/or death. Thanks to macrophotography (the “microscope” of the chemist/researcher), she sounds a part of the world, our addictions or secret thoughts. She observes how the world alienates us a bit more every day, and creates new desires, unceasingly activated, from Internet (Boîte de déception, 2005) to the Fat free (2005) dictate and other beauty canons widely followed.   

     This daily alienation is traduced in few of her artworks, such as What is it that makes today’s people so different, so attractive? (2003) or Lorenza (2009), in whose cosmetics obsession becomes funny by showing the absurdity. She is working on the absurdity, the derision or the sarcasm in her drawings, which is an intimate support. She is trying to point out few characteristics of the occidental society, saturated by information, suffering from its over-production, satisfied and about to suffocate – on the contrary, in some places there is a big gap concerning the access to medical cares (Serie Sales Woman).

     The plastic language she is developing points out a link between mass consumption and pharmaceutical industries – the labs use the same marketing strategies than the ones used for any other product. It leads to a seductive run which ended to the wide standardization – dangerous – of the absorption of drugs, which became a desire such as the other kind of addictive and comforting products. But she refuses the demonstration to prefer the assessment and “formal game”, until abstraction. Her works reveal a disturbing intimacy, poetry as fragile as radical, but neither the images nor the viewer can distinguish the fascination aspect from the loathing, in front of this modern time drug. The common and without any doubt definitive presence of medicine in our pharmacy, hospitals and homes, shelves and handbag (Ouvrez votre sac, 1999), is usually considered as appeasing.

     Another aspect of the medicine is the counterfeiting and the illicit traffic – one of the most profit-earning. She retook the name of the famous American association for food and social protection (FDA), and she realized a group illustrating the medicine traffic, from the cautious and lucrative deal in the street (Speedy deal, 2008) to the worldwide import-export phenomenon. Between the “magic powder” in the form of a regenerative pill – in reality composed by sugar and flour, when it is not crushed glass! – and the real drug diversion in the factory and repacked to be dealt in Africa or elsewhere (Serie Sales Woman, 2008; Pharmacie gazon, 2008). False, true-false, false-true, have already made a lot of damages in developing countries and are spreading to the rest of the world. We can compare the scope of this phenomenon to the massive but dramatic destruction it led to (Mass Destruction, 2008).

     The patient suffering from addictions is looking for the recreation of those, under the shape of a house. Thus, The Pink House, shed on casters which, despite it seducing and reassuring aspects, hides few specificities that the visitors can discover while experimenting. Usually one of the major stakes of a doll house is to incite the child to create his own universe, in whose he is the only master, her artwork Peeping Tom’s house illustrate a soft voyeurism. It is mainly an open space, the house deals with a disturbing ambiguity, placing the visitor in the role of a curious intruder. Inside he discovers, through a dozen of videos, an intimate microcosm made with usual daily hygienic habits, funny or weird, absurd or disturbing, creating a discomfort for the public.  This is the alienating nature of the contemporary hygienic trends that is aimed here: their tendencies to ubiquity, their multiplications and repetitions and spreading show the neurotic desires, conscious or not, of almighty control of the body. The Box House (2006) is an oversized box, which appears as an answer to all our pathologies, while the lighting cage entitled Light house symbolize the intimate space, where we keep ourselves in prison. It also symbolizes the constant disappointment caused by addictions, and is the materialization of our imprisonment: by separating ourselves from others, it sends us back to our eternal loneliness. 

     From the body to the house, her works are raising questions about our environment, about what is around us – those “skins” that should protect us, but which finally reveal us.


Born in Montpellier, F / Lives in Paris, F


Solo exhibitions (selection)


Rock the house, LeSalonReçoit, Toulouse

Living in my head, Galerie Valérie Bach/La Patinoire royale, Bruxelles

She’s lost control, Le CAB (Centre d’Art de la Bastille), Grenoble


At home she's a tourist-Chapter I, La Maréchalerie, Versailles

At home she's a tourist-Chapter II, Galerie VivoEquidem, Paris

At school she's a tourist, Galerie de l'Ecole des Beaux Arts, Versailles


Hypnotic, Galerie Provost/Hacker, Lille

Jeanne Susplugas, Mobile Home, Vitry

Disorder, Wildprojectgallery, Luxembourg

Pharmakon (with Irina Petrakova), Galerie Iragui, Moscow (cur. by Boris Kliushnikov) 


Le Baiser du dragon (avec A. Declercq), ESADhAR, Rouen (cur. by Jason Karaïndros)

Distorsions, Galerie Valérie Bach, Brussels

Troubles, Galerie des jours de lune, Metz


On the wagon, Galerie de l’Ecole des Beaux Arts, Montpellier

House to house II, Pioneer Works, NY (cur. by Fragmental Museum/Guy Reziciner)

Opening night, Emily Harvey Foundation, NY (cur. by Laurence Bruguière)

Monkey on back, Musée en plein air du Sart-Tilman, Liège, Belgium (cur. by Julie Bawin)


All the world’s a stage, Le Lait centre d’art contemporain, Albi (cur. by JR Meyer)

Stratégie d’enfermement, Chapelle de la Visitation-Art Center, Thonon les Bains


There’s no place like home, Galerie Valérie Bach, Brussels

Elles, L’Isba art contemporain, Perpignan

Sous influence, L’attrape couleurs, Lyon

Un espace pour une œuvre (Ordinary Landscape), IUFM, Rouen (cur. by FRAC HN)


Turnaround, Le Bal, Paris (with A. Declercq)

Civil protection, STUDIOcollector, New York


Locked-in, Galerie Charles de Jonghe, Brussels

Mass Destruction (performance), Domaine départemental de Chamarande, F

Surrounded, Poulsen gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Impasse, 4 Barbier gallery, Nîmes, F

House to house, wharf-centre d’art contemporain, Hérouville Saint-Clair, F

Poetry of the space, salle 48, St-Pouange


L’aspirine c’est le champagne du matin, B.A.R.(Bureau d’Art et de Recherche), Roubaix, F

Peeping Tom’s House, La piscine-Musée d’Art et d’Industrie, Roubaix, F

Home, Maison des Arts, Malakoff, F

Iatrogène (Performance), Maison rouge-Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris, F

Jeux de dames, Château de Jau, Cases-de-Pene, F

Plan iode, PPCM (Artelinea), Nîmes, F (with Alain Declercq)

Food and Drug Administration, Shirman&deBeauce gallery, Paris


Traffic-Chapitre5., Galerie Charles de Jonghe, Brussels, Belgium

In my dream the light is very dim…, Florence Lynch gallery, New York, USA


Side effects, Wyspa Institut of Art, Gdansk, Poland (cur. by Roma Piotrowska)

Borderline, to b. art gallery, St Barthélemy

Desirable effects, Magacin, Belgrade, Serbia

Expiry date, Centre d’art contemporain Passages, Troyes, F

Ordinary Landscapes, CIAM/Centre d’art du Mirail, Toulouse, F


Familiar presence, Perif gallery, Beijing, China (Dashanzi International Art Festival)

Little cruelties, Florence Lynch gallery, New York, USA


Petites cruautés, Mizuma Art gallery, Tokyo, Japan

Jeanne Susplugas -Videos documentation, Para Globe gallery, Tokyo, Japan

For your eyes, DIVA (Digital video art fair), New York, USA

Ordinary Landscapes II, Quint Amasis, New York, USA

Fat free, etc…, Galerie La librairie, Montpellier


Projections/photos/dessins, Mestské museum/French Institut, Bratislava (Month of photo)

Transposition, Heresbekerei projektraum, Berlin, Germany (Monat der Fotografie Paris/Berlin/Wien)

Ordinary Landscapes, Florence Lynch Gallery, New York, USA

Anecdotes, etc…, Le Salon/V. Suchar, Londres, United Kingdom

Come to me, Galerie ESCA, Milhau, F

L’Une l’Autre, Carré Sainte-Anne, Montpellier, F

Hypertrophie, Spin Gallery, Toronto, Canada


Projections, Design district/Barbara Gilman Gallery, Miami, USA

Video selection, Loop, Barcelona, Spain

Sur ordonnance, Artforum Berlin, Germany

Addicted, Galerie Houg, Lyon, F (« Résonance », Lyon Biennale)

Biepackzettel, Kunst-werke, Berlin, Germany (independent project) (cur. by Anselm Franke)

Jeanne Susplugas, Westbourne Studios, London, United Kingdom (part of « Made in Paris »)

Dissolution, V Tape, Toronto, Canada

Dependence, MOCCA (Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art), Toronto, Canada (cur. by H. Bourdeaux-Maurin)

Hypocondriaque, Mizuma Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan


The sick house, Miami Basel, Design district Miami, USA

Made in Japan, Galerie Valérie Cueto, Paris, F

Travaux récents, Galerie Edward Mitterrand, Geneva, Switzerland

La maison malade, ARCO (cutting edge), Madrid, Spain (cur. by Jérôme Sans)


Au fil des maux, Barbara Gillman  Gallery, Miami, USA

Alienation, Galerie Valérie Cueto, Paris, F

Alienation, Nikolai Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA


Group exhibitions (selection)


Exposition à trois, Under Construction gallery, Paris (curated by Camille Paulhan)

Drawing now, Paris

Exposition collective de dessins, Under Construction gallery, Paris

Projection, Villa du Parc, Annemasse (curated by ImagesPassages)


Issy et maintenant, hic et nunc., Issy-les-Moulineaux (curated by Isabelle de Maison rouge)

Les secrets du Docteur F. (Christmas Party #3), Under construction galerie, Paris (cur. by Théo-Mario Coppola)

Une collection#4 (cur. by Camille Frasca & Antoine Py), Nice
Le paradoxe du cartel, Galerie Valérie Delaunay, Paris (cur. by Isabelle de Maison Rouge)
Les Sapins des créateurs, Théâtre des Champs Elysées, Paris
Galeristes (Galerie Provost/Hacker), Paris

Double mixte, A+Art, Montpellier (cur. by Pierre Bendine)

Expo inaugurale, Tchikebe-la boutique, Marseille (ed.Macumba Night Club/David Ancelin)

Colligere, Plateforme, Paris (cur. by Anne-Marie Jeannou et Anouck Durand-Gasselin)
Variation Media Art Fair, Paris (cur. by Dominique Moulon)

Frontières éffrangées, 18ème édition du festival Des artistes chez l’habitant, Fiac, F (cur. by Jackie-Ruth Meyer, Annabelle Ténèze, Patrick Tarres)

Prendre soin ?, La Pharmacie Centre d’art, Tonnerre (cur. by D. Watteau & JL Déotte)

:), Under Construction gallery, Paris 

She devil, MAGMA, Vilnius (cur. by Benedetta Carpi de Resmini)
Origines, The Open Window, Saint-Denis, (cur. by Renaud Bergonzo) 
Nuit des musées, Musée de la Chasse et de la nature, Paris (cur. by Frédérique Lecerf)

Dance with me video, Maison Européenne de la photographie / Silencio, Paris (cur. by Barbara Polla&Nicolas Etchenagucia)

Summer in the city, la Patinoire Royale, Brussels

Le secret, ENSAPC YGREC-Les Grands Voisins, Paris (cur. by Françoise Docquiert, Corinne Le Neün, Christophe Viart, Nayla Tamraz, Tatiana Nedelskaya, Paul-Antoine Parot, Polynome)

Keramik-5 Positionen aus Österreich und Frankreich (curatet by Dietgard Grimmer)

A corps et âme. La médecine à la Renaissance, Château de Kerjean (Nord Finistère)

Zone de confluence 1, Musée d’Art Contemporain, Bogota (cur. by ImagesPassages)

HERstory - des archives à l'heure des postféminismes, Maison des Arts de Malakoff (cur. by Julie Crenn & Pascal Lièvre) (21.01.2017-19.03.2017) 


Chrismas Party #2 La femme à la bûche, Under Construction gallery, Paris (cur. by Marie Gayet&Mireille Ronarch)

Galeristes, Paris

Voyelles, Espace Ambre, Casablanca (cur. by Christian Balmier)

Art is hope, Galerie Perrotin, Paris

Toxique, B.A.R-Bureau d'Art et de Recherche, Roubaix

O sol de Janeiro, Galerie DIX9, Paris (cur. by Théo-Mario Coppola with Macumba Night Club Editions)

Run, run, run, Centre d’Art Contemporain-Villa Arson, Nice (invitation: Macumba Night Club Edition)

Women's Independence, Art Show, K11 Art Museum (part of Art in the city), Shanghai (cur. by Magda Danysz with ETAM)

Nogent à livres ouverts, Journées du Patrimoine, Nogent-sur-Marne 

Esthétiques Industrielles, Commanderie de Peyrassol, Flassans-sur-Issole (cur. by Alexandre Devals)

La Cité des femmes, Tools galerie, Paris

Read my Lips, Castrum Peregrini, Amsterdam (cur. by Parco Barragán)

Mostra de Mende

Nouvel accrochage des collections, MRAC-Musée Régional d'Art Contemporain, Sérignan

Sein dessin, Galerie Vivo Equidem, Paris (cur. by Madeleine Filippi)


12POC, galerie rue Française, Paris (cur. by Dans Quelle Vie Tu Mondes ?) 

La main qui dessinait toute seule, Galerie Magda Danysz, Paris

From madonna to Madonna, Matacuna 100, Santiago, Chile (cur. by Paco Barragan)

Art is hope, Piasa, Paris

Works on paper, Galerie Valérie Bach, Brussels

Lady made, Le Carré, Lille (cur. by Now/here)

Vers une architecture de lumière, La Chartreuse, Avignon (cur. by Julie Miguirditchian)

Private choice, Paris (cur. by Nadia Candet)

Move, Galerie CulturesInterface, Casablanca (presented by Karima Célestin)

Projection, Logoscope, Monaco (presented by Annie Aguettaz)

Collection Philippe Piguet. Une passion pour l'art, Abbaye d'Annecy-le-Vieux (cur. by Fondation pour l'art contemporain C. et J-M Salomon)

Nouvel accrochage des collections, MRAC-Musée Régional d'Art Contemporain, Sérignan

MAD (Multiples Art Days), maison rouge-fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris

Art Brussels (Galerie Valérie Bach)

Lumières! Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai ; Xin Dong Space for Contemporary Art, Beijing (Festival Croisements) (cur. by Michel Nuridsany)

Dolcemente complicate. Donne, arte, cinema ed altro, Museum of Palazzo di Primavera, Terni

Drawing now, Paris (Galerie Valérie Bach, Brussels)

Spa, Galerie Le Coeur, Paris

Art Brussels (Galerie Valérie Bach, Brussels)

Pseudonym project, Bugdahn und Kaimer gallery, Düsseldorf (cur. by Gabriel Jones)

A corps perdus #2, Galerie Gourvennec Ogor, Marseille (cur. by Marc Donnadieu)

FIVAC, Cuba (cur. by Annie Aguettaz)

Chinese Open 2015, Q-park, London (cur. by G. Leong, C. Christie & V. Balogh)

Chapeaux! Hommage à R. Filliou, Salon Int. de la Haute Horlogerie, Genève (cur. by Raphael Cuir)    


La petite collection, White project, Paris

Pseudonym project, Galerie Michèle Didier, Paris (cur. by Gabriel Jones)

Supervues, Hôtel Burrhus, Vaison-la-Romaine

Travelling, Galerie Karima Célestin, Marseille

Quatorze, Centre d'art contemporain, St Restitut

Paper works, Galerie Leonardo Agosti, Sète

Architectonie, La Traverse Centre d'Art Contemporain, Alfortville (cur. by Bettie Nin & Cédric Taling)

Chapeau! Hommage à Robert Filliou, La Vitrine, Paris (cur. by Raphael Cuir)

Good Night, Mister Procruste (part of "Cur. by", Galerie Steinek, Wien (cur. by Peter Stastny)

Festival Frasq, Le Générateur, Gentilly

Private choice, Paris

Lux, Le Fresnoy Studio National, Tourcoing (cur. by Michel Nuridsany)

Louis Vuitton: l'Ame du Voyage (cur. by A-P. d'Albis Ganem & Hervé Mikaeloff)

70 combats pour la liberté, le Radar-espace d'art actuel, Bayeux

A-part festival, Baux-de-Provence

Mixology, Numthong gallery, Bangkok

Avoir 10+1, Centre d'Art Contemporain, St Restitut

She Devil, Studio Stefania Miscetti, Rome (cur. by Manuela Pacella)

Chinese open art show, Q-Park Soho, London (cur. by  Vanya Balogh & Cedric Christie)

Panoptismes (Pill boxes), Cinémathèque, Paris


I see you, 1st International Videonale, Kunsthalle, Detroit

Protections, Galerie Duchamp (Duchamprama), Yvetot, F

Louis Vuitton: l'Ame du Voyage, Louis Vuitton Pavilion Gum Red Square, Moscow (cur. by AP d'Albis Ganem & Hervé Mikaeloff)

Teken, Jan Colle garelij/entrepot fictief, Gand (cur. by Julie Crenn, Jan Colle, Nicolas Tourte & Roahn Graeffly) (December)

Big deal n°5, Q Park Cavendish Square, London (cur. by Vanya Balogh & Cedric Christie)

Vienna Fair (Galerie Valérie Bach, Brussels)

Lady made, Cloître Ste Margueritte de Flandres, Seclin (cur. by NowHere)

Choses, Galerie du jour Agnès b., Paris (for the last issue of The Drawer vol.5)

(Re)création, Hôtel de Ville, Montpellier (cur. by Groupe Histoires d'espaces)

Je hais les couples Part II, Galerie Valérie Bach, Brussels - Brussels art days (cur. by Susplugas&Declercq)

L'Atelier des artistes, Paris (cur. by Laurence Bruguière)

Grigri fétiche, Atelier des Vertus, Paris

Macumba Palace, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Toulouse (cur. by David Ancelin)

Nuit blanche, Maison du geste et de l'image, Paris (Villeglé, ORLAN & Opline) 

Display, project in the public space, Angers (cur. by Galerie A)

Marque contre marque, La Vitrine, Paris (cur. by Philippe Piguet)

Psychic driving, The Thread Gallery, Belfast

Honey, I rearranged the collection, Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Petach Tikva, Israël, 2013 (cur. by: Ami Barak)

Festival Oodaaq, Rennes

The things of life, Flowers gallery, London (cur. by Pascal Rousson)

絲印, Cité des Arts, Paris (commissaire : David Ancelin)

Entrar en el juego de los artistas, Alliance française, Cuba (cur. by Imagespassages)

Ex-voto contemporains, Galerie Frédéric Moisan, Paris (cur. by Pierre Schwartz)

Jeux d’artistes, Théâtre de l’échange, Annecy (cur. by ImagesPassages)

Arts sous influences, La maison rouge-Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris (cur. by A. Perpère)

Pratique2: La couleur CODE NOIR, FRAC Haute-Normandie (cur. by Lidewij Edelkoort)

Rebondissement, I LOVE MY JOB, Paris (commissaire : Caroline Smulders)

Ricochet-Skimming stones, Galerie Jean-Collet, Vitry/Seine (cur. by V.Mesaros & E.Régent)


Apo-calypse, Ancienen usine Béard, Clarens/Montreux, Suisse (cur. by Einzweidrei)

Le Noël de Léon, Galerie A, Denée

Apo-calypse, Ancienne usine Béard, Clarens/Montreux, Suisse (cur. by Einzweidrei)

Nuit Blanche, Paris (cur. by Laurent le Bon)

Festival FRASQ, Le Générateur, Gentilly

LUF (Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival), Lausanne, Suisse 

Bushwick Film Festival, Brooklyn

Festival Images, Vevey, Suisse (theater & cinema Black Maria) (with Alain Declercq)

De paso en la tierra, Cicus, Séville/Institut français, Madrid (cur. by F. Adamsbaum, W. Jeffett)

On ne voit pas passer le temps, Eglise St Maur, Courmelois (cur. by Viviane Zenner)

Loin des claires meules, Maison Euzéby, Nîmes

Global Scale, Haus des Kulturen des Welt, Berlin (Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid)

Opening of the sculptures’ parc, Commanderie de Peyrassol, Flassans-sur-Issole

De paso en la tierra, Cicus, Séville/French institut, Madrid (cur. by F. Adamsbaum, W. Jeffett)

Carte blanche à 19 artistes, Macumba Night Club editions, Nice (cur. by David Ancelin)

Projection urbaine, Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, Yokohama

Collection Ph. Piguet… photos, peintures, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Saint Restitut

Histoire d’Ô, Maison des canaux, Paris

Réalités ordinaires, Maison des Arts, Grand-Quevilly (cur. by Aurélie Sement)

Commissariat pour un arbre #1, Village royal, Paris (cur. by Mathieu Mercier)

Tout doit disparaître, Atelier des Vertus, Paris (cur. by Vincent Mesaros)

Malestar, Centro Wilfredo Lam, La Havane (program Annie Aguettaz, Imagespassages)

Vidéo program, French Institut, Fès (program Stephen Sarrazin)

Unrest, Hahanut Gallery, Tel Aviv (program Annie Aguettaz, Imagespassages)

Entre 2 tours, Ateliers 25, Paris (cur. by H. Llanque, H. Anthoine, M. Suret)

Zona Maco, Mexico city

L’œil et le cœur (curiosités et chefs d’œuvre chez les collectionneurs montpelliérains), Carré Sainte-Anne, Montpellier (cur. by : Numa Hambursin)

Bête et méchant, The Window 41, Paris (cur. by Vincent Mesaros)

Comment collectionner aujourd’hui (coll. Ph. Piguet), Centre d’art contemporain de Saint-Restitut

Des phosphènes au quotidien, Cinéma Accatone, Paris (proposed by A. Faynot et S. Pichard)

Je hais les couples, W Jamois art space (Loft CMJN), Paris    

The December Store, Galerie Jan Dhaese, Ghent, Belgium

Programmation de Françoise Pétrovitch, Musée de la chasse, Paris


Le beau est toujours bizarre, FRAC Haute-Normandie, Sotteville-les-Rouen

Paris forever, Galerie Magda Danzysz, Paris

Renctontres Paris/Berlin/Madrid, Centre Pompidou 

Féminité 0.I, Maison Particulière art center, Brussels

Parcours Saint-Germain, Paris (VIP/FIAC)

Inside Studio I1, Cité des Arts, Paris (cur. by Gabriel Jones)

Instants video, La Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille

Bérinak, Saint-Pé sur Nivelle

Jusqu'ici, TOUT VA BIEN, Rencontres des Arts Numériques, électroniques et médiatiques, Le Vigan (cur. by Oudeis)

Terrible Beauty: Art, Crisis, Change & The Office of Non-Compliance, Dublin Contemporary 2011 (cur. by Jota Castro and Christian Viveros-Fauné)

Our house in the middle of our street, Maison des Arts-Centre d’art contemporain, Malakoff, F

Le bois à l’œuvre, Jardin du Hauvel-Calvados, Saint-Hymer, F

Porte ouverte, Galerie l’ISBA, Perpignan

La nuit des images, Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne

Videoburo, Paris

Endism, 24HR Art | Northern Territory Centre for Contemporary Art, Darwin, Australia (cur. by Tony Garifalakis)

Origine(s), Maison Particulière art center, Brussels

Accords&àcris, Espace G. Sand, Orléans

Dessins contemporains du musée d’art et la collection Philippe Piguet, Musée d’art de Toulon

Kids room zoom, Fuori Salone, Milan (cur. by unduetrestella)


Index of/, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (cur. by Alain Declercq)

Carte©Blanche©cs1, Galerie Analix Forever, Geneva (cur. by Michel Robecchi)

Chrismas show, Poulsen gallery, Copenhagen

24 au 19, Galerie 19, Angers (cur. by Isabelle Lévénez)

Multitasking Overflow, Lévy gallery, Berlin (cur. by Dare magazine)

Parcours Carne 2010, Paris (cur. by S. Fossat, A-M. Jeannou)

Art Copenhagen

Vivre l’intime, Musée de Beauvais, F (cur. by D. Watteau, E. Artaud)

L’art selon Elles, Espace culturel les Dominicaines, Pont l’Eveque, F

Le pire n’est jamais certain, ESAMM, Metz

Art Brussels

Dramator, Brussels (cur. by Richard Neyroud)

Zona Maco México Art Fair

Omega, Margaret Lawrence gallery, Melbourne, Australia (cur. by Tony Garifalakis)

“Guest” of Art Paris and Guests

Dessins contemporains, Galerie Christine Phal, Paris

Poulsen on paper, Poulsen gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark


Constellation, Prefiguration of  the Centre Pompidou-Metz (Petit théâtre des Trinitaires), Metz, F

Hors Pistes, Centre Pompidou, F

Mobile archive, Art in General, New York

L’œuvre collection, Les Brasseurs art center, Liège, Belgium (cur. by Julie Bawin)

Video It, Firenze, Roma, Italy

Miami International Film Festival, Miami, USA

Frasq (performances festival), Le Générateur, Gentilly, F

Drawing tales, Citric gallery, Brescia, Italy (cur. by Paola Noe)

The hand that draws by itself, 18 gallery, Shangai, China

Fonction critique, Aperto, Montpellier, F (cur. by Manuel Fadat)

Faces, 18 gallery, Shangai, China

Quand le bracelet devient muse, ICONOfly #5 Bon Marché, Paris, F (cur. by Olivia Bransburg)

SOS 48 (Festival Internacional de Accion Artistica), Murcia, Spain (cur. by Jota Castro) 

Sales –0%, Galerie Charles de Jonghe, Brussels, Belgium

Comic Strip, Musée de Sérignan, Sérignan, F

Salon du dessin contemporain, Paris, F

Vendôme Luxury, Hôtel Meurice, Paris, F

Variation & revision, Marymount Manhattan College Hewitt Gallery, New York, USA


In memory of Ben Schaafsma, Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York (cur. by PAM)

Cent, Galerie Defrost, Paris, F (cur. by R. Kolle, Ph. Second, C. Keogh)

61. International Film Festival, Locarno, Switzerland

Piolin’s word, to b. art gallery, St Barthélemy

L’image fabriquée  (Month of photography), Musée des Beaux-Arts, Ho Chi Minh Ville, Vietnam (cur. by Ph. Piguet)

Biennale de l’Environnement, Bobigny, F

Carnets d’inspiration, Galerie Pierre-Alain Challier, Paris, F

Those Strange Children, The shore Institute For Contemporary Arts, Long Branch, NJ, USA (cur. by Douglas Ferrari)

B3, Doors Studio, Paris, F (cur. by Hélène Leray & Vincenza Mirisola)

Direction le Marais, Galerie Schirman&debeaucé, Paris, F

Art Splurge & Exhibition, Arthouse, Austin, TX, United States

Art Toys / Qee, Colette – Concept store, Paris

Salon du dessin contemporain, Paris

Art Brussels

Mesclun, PPCM, Nîmes, F

Oeuvres sur papier, Galerie Dominique Fiat, Paris, F

Mobile Archive, The Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon/Wyspa Institut of Art, Gdansk/Kunstverein, Hamburg)

London confidential, Vanessa Suchar/Mews 42 gallery, London, UK

From Athens to Marseille to Cairo, Palais des Arts, Marseille, F


Zeichenraum, Kunstverein, Nüremberg, G (cur. by Heidi Sill)

FIAC, Paris, F

Cafekultour, Fondation culturelle INCA, Timisoara, Romania

Sum of Three: Multiplicity in Painting, Photography and Video, The Mirador 1200, Miami

De notre temps (2), Musée de Grenoble, Grenoble, F (cur. by ADIAF)

Pinky Blast, Galerie de la Butte, Paris (cur. by Renaud Bézy)

Introduction, Galerie Charles de Jonghe, Brussels, B

Pills & Faces, To be art gallery, St Barth

Soif d’aujourd’hui, Musée d’Art Moderne, St Etienne, F (cur. by Michel Nuridsany)

Images Flux Reflux, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Istres, F

Talents, TAD, Milan


Carte blanche à I. Lévénez, C/O Isabelle Suret, Paris 

The House of  Dr. H, New York, USA (cur. by Anne Davidian)

Artissima, Turino

FIAC, Paris

Insolence, Guerlain, Paris, F (cur. by Caroline Messensee)

Love lab, Galerie RX, Paris, F (cur. by Laetitia Sellam)

Giardino – Places for small stories, Pan-Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli, Italy (cur. by Lorand Hegyi)

Broken Memory-Des hommes sans histoire, Musée des Arts Derniers, Paris, F

Monuments minimums, Domaine du Château d’Avignon, Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-mer, F (cur. by Agnès Barruol & Hélène Dattler)

Essences Insensées, Parcours Saint Germain des Près, Paris, F (cur. by A-P. D’Albis)

Taipei art fair, Taiwan

Smack Mellon Art Auction Benefit, Smack Mellon, Brooklyn, USA

Tokyo Art Collection, Japan

Fraîcheur de vivre, CCF (Centre culturel français), Alger, Algeria (cur. by Michel Nuridsany)

Trailers and animations, Senko Frame project, Viborg, D (cur. by Florence Lynch)

A Mediterranean Trilogy of Contemporary Art, Centre of Arts, Athens, G (cur. by Sylvie Blanchet)

Dis moi +, MAMAC, Liège, B

Comme un mur – dessins contemporains, Galerie Phal, Paris, F (cur. by Philippe Piguet)

Moving Time: Tribute to Name June Paik, Korean Culture Service, New York, USA (cur. by Iris Inhee Moon)

Bang Bang, Musée d’Art et d’Industrie, St Etienne / MIAM, Sète, F

Videos selection/Jeanne Susplugas, Espace Croisé, Roubaix, F

The London connection (Lange nacht der Museen), Galerie Lisi Hammerle, Bregenz, A

Festival Zone 05, Hotel Ritz, Paris, F

Festival of contemporary art in traditional museum, Pro Arte Institut, St Petersburg 

Cinema-Scope, Scope, Southhampton, NY

Programmation vidéo, Galerie La Blanchisserie, Boulogne, F


Névrosis, Maison folie de Moulin, Lille, F (cur. by Christophe Wlaeminck)

Fat free, to be art gallery, St Barth (with Fabien Vershaere)

Par amour, Art 45, Lyon, F (part of« Résonance », Lyon Biennale)

FIAC, Paris, F

Liste Berlin

Félin pour l’autre, Galerie La Blanchisserie, Boulogne, F (cur. by Anaïd Demir)

La main qui dessinait toute seule II, Galerie Magda Danysz, Paris, F (cur. by Ultralab)

Traces d’enfance, Galerie RX, Paris, F

Media in “f”, Ewha Art Center, Seoul, Korea (cur. by Iris Inhee Moon)

Art3, Place St-Sulpice, Paris, F (invited by Marie Denis)

Domiciles privé/public, Musée d’Art Moderne, Saint-Etienne, F (cur. by Lorand Hegyi)

Oui, non, peut-être (Dashanzi International Art Festival), Perif gallery, Beijing, China

10 th Anniversary Exhibition, Mizuma Art Gallery, Tokyo


Ipermercati del’arte, Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena, Italy (cur. by Lorenzo Fusi)

Fraîcheur de vivre, Musée d’Art du Guangdong, Canton /Biz’Art, Shangai - associated to Shangai Biennale)/Macao/New Delhi/CCF, Alger (cur. by Michel Nuridsany)

FIAC, Paris, F

La main qui dessinait toute seule I, Galerie Magda Danysz, Paris, F (cur. by Ultralab)

Art Brussels, B

Hygienic psy, Paultrona Frau, Paris, F (cur. by Pablo Reinoso)

Narcochic Narcochoc, MIAM (Musée International d’Art Modeste), Sète, F 

ARCO, Madrid

Art Rotterdam

Où sont les femmes, Centre Soros for Contemporary Art, Kiev, Ukrainia (cur. by Léonor Nuridsany & Caroline Bourgeois)

FIAV 04, Careof, Milan

EMF (Electronic Music Foundation), Palais de Tokyo, Paris, F (music/performance)

Klang Zeit Münster 2004, GNM&Kunstakademie Münster (Music : Thomas Bloch-Bonhoff), G


Not so cute and cuddly, Ulrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Wishita, USA (cur. by E. Dunbar)

The Armory show, New York

Frieze, London

FIAC, Paris

Autoportraits, Studio Pin Up, Paris

Ne me quitte pas, Am Sofa läßt sich das Glück erkennen, Berlin

Die 7 Rencontres internationales Paris Berlin

In/Out festival, Galerie Karolinum, Praha, CR


Concave/convexe, National Gallery, Banskbistrica, Slovaquia (cur. by Philippe Piguet)

La force de l’esprit, Espace Pierre Cardin, Paris, F (cur. by H.-F. Debailleux)

Tutto Normale, Villa Medicis, Roma (cur. by Ludovico Pratesi & Jérôme Sans)

Parcours Saint-Germain-Boutique Sonia Rykiel, Paris, F (cur. by AP D’Albis)

Sugar and Spices, Nikolai Fine Art Gallery, New York (cur. by Raoul Zamudio)

Super Héros, Galerie Edward Mitterand, Geneva

Customize, Glassbox, Paris, F (cur. by Périphériques) 

59. International Film Festival, Locarno, S

Films&Chips, Favella chic, Paris, F

9e Festival Traverse video, Musée d’art contemporain Les Abattoirs, Toulouse, F

Video Session #3, Galerie Magda Danysz, Paris, F

The perpetual Art Machine, Scope, New York/Miami Basel

Loosing my mind (Saison video 06), LAAC, Dunkerque, F

Le Cube, Issy-les-Moulineaux, F

Anticyclone, Galerie Houg, Lyon

C’est pas du cinéma, Le Fresnoy Studio National, Tourcoing, F (cur. by Michel Nuridsany)

Playtime festival (Newtown/Johannesburg), South Africa


The Armory Show, New York

Artissima, Turino

XXIe Biennale of Alexandria, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Alexandria (cur. by Michel Nuridsany)

Mue, Galerie Valérie Cueto, Paris, F (cur. by Carlo Ponti)


Because Sex Sells, Nikolai Fine Art Gallery, New York

Rouge, Galerie Valérie Cueto, Paris, F

The Toy Show, Nikolai Fine Art Gallery, New-York

Carte blanche à Michel Nuridsany, Galerie Piltzer, Paris, F

Narcisse blessé, Passage de Retz, Paris, F (cur. by Jean-Michel Ribettes)

Parcours Saint-Germain (Pharmacie du Four), Paris, F (cur. by AP D’Albis)

2000 Nains à Bagatelle, Jardin de Bagatelle, Paris, F (cur. by Laurent Lebon & David Lavergne) 


619 KBB 75 exposition livrable à domicile, Mini Austin, Paris, Annecy, Geneva, Berlin (cur. by Laurence Deryfus)

Les animaux,  HYPERLINK « Le bonheur »,  HYPERLINK (cur. by Bruno Samper)



Public collections

Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon, F

MUDAC (Musée de design et d’arts appliqués contemporains), Lausanne, S

Thailywood Fondation, Brussels, B

Kunsthalle Detroit, US

Musée du verre, Carmaux, F

Cloître Ste Margueritte de Flandres, Seclin, F

Artothèque, Annecy, F

MRAC (Musée Régional d’Art Contemporain), Sérignan, F

SONS Museum, Kruishoutem, B

FNAC (Fond National d’Art Contemporain), F

FRAC (Fond Régional d’Art Contemporain) Haute-Normandie, F

FRAC (Fond Régional d’Art Contemporain) Champagne Ardenne, F

Chocarro Fundacio Vila Casas, Barcelona, S

Artothèque, Lyon, F


Awards, Residencies & Grants

Art&Care, 2015 (Prize-winner)

Prix Opline, 2013 (Prize-winner)

FNAGP (Grant), 2013

Thailywood Residency, Thaïland, 2013 

Prix Platinium MasterCard (nominated), 2011

Prix MAIF (nominated), 2009

Wyspa Art Institut (Residency programm), 2006

Ministery of Foreign Affairs, Toronto, C, 2003

Fiacre (Délégation aux Arts Plastiques), Tokyo, 2001 




© Copyright Vanessa Suchar Marcus
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